The Photography Show presented by AIPAD 2022 | Booth 100
Matt Black
Edward Burtynsky
Josef Ehm
Foto Ada (Attributed to)
John Beasley Greene
Nadav Kander
Adam Katseff
György Kepes
László Moholy-Nagy
Mimi Plumb
Josep Sala
Jaromír Funke
Arthur Siegel
János Szász
past Exhibition
May 19 — May 22, 2022

The Photography Show presented by AIPAD 2022 | Booth 100
Matt Black
Edward Burtynsky
Josef Ehm
Foto Ada (Attributed to)
John Beasley Greene
Nadav Kander
Adam Katseff
György Kepes
László Moholy-Nagy
Mimi Plumb
Josep Sala
Jaromír Funke
Arthur Siegel
János Szász
past Exhibition
May 19 — May 22, 2022
Featured Work
Featured Work
Edward Burtynsky
Tailings Pond #2, Wesselton Diamond Mine Kimberley, Northern Cape South Africa, 2018
Pigment ink print
39 x 52 in.
Edward Burtynsky
Coal Tailings #1, SASOL Synfuels Secunda, Mpumalanga South Africa, 2018
Pigment ink print
39 x 52 in. / 58.5 x 78 in.
Adam Katseff
Lake IV (Mooselookmeguntic), 2021
Lacquered pigment ink print
30 x 40 in. / 43 x 57.25 in. / 59 x 78.5 in.
Mimi Plumb
Coyote at the Park, 1976
Pigment ink print
11 x 14 in. / 16 x 20 in. / 20 x 24 in.
Mimi Plumb
Couple at the Gas Station, 1972
Pigment ink print
11 x 14 in. / 16 x 20 in. / 20 x 24 in.
Mimi Plumb
Boys and Tires, Sears Point, 1976
Pigment ink print
11 x 14 in. / 16 x 20 in. / 20 x 24 in.
Mimi Plumb
Two Girls at the Festival, 1975
Pigment ink print
11 x 14 in. / 16 x 20 in. / 20 x 24 in.
Nadav Kander
Untitled II, London, 23.03.2020 - 26.05.2020, 2020
Pigment ink print
30 x 38.5 in. / 37 3/8 x 47 5/8 in. / 60 x 76 3/4 in.
Matt Black
Allensworth, California. 2014. Fence post., 2014
Pigment ink print
20 x 20 in.
Matt Black
Alturas, California. 2016. Cattle auction., 2016
Pigment ink print
20 x 20 in. / 30 x 30 in. / 40 x 40 in.
Matt Black
Ziebach County, South Dakota. 2016. Riders., 2016
Pigment ink print
20 x 20 in. / 30 x 30 in.
Matt Black
Tulare, California. 2014. Birds., 2014
Pigment ink print
20 x 20 in. / 30 x 30 in. / 40 x 40 in.
Matt Black
El Paso, Texas. 2015. Warehouse district., 2015
Pigment ink print
40 x 40 in.
Josef Ehm
Nude, 1946/1950s
Early gelatin silver print
4 3/8 x 3 1/8 in.
Josef Ehm
Nude on Bed, 1934
Vintage gelatin silver print
3 3/8 x 4 7/16 in.
Foto Ada (Attributed to)
Untitled, c. late 1930s - early 1940s
Unique vintage halftone collage
9 3/4 x 7 3/8 in.
Foto Ada (Attributed to)
Untitled, c. late 1930s - early 1940s
Unique vintage halftone collage
9 1/2 x 7 1/8 in.
Jaromír Funke
Untitled (Still life with a perfume bottle), 1923-24
Vintage gelatin silver print on mat surface double weight paper on mount
11 5/8 x 9 3/16 in.
Jaromír Funke
Untitled, 1935
Unique photogram on doubleweight paper
15 11/16 x 11 1/4 in.
John Beasley Greene
Constantine, Algeria, 1856
Coated salt print print from waxed paper negative
9 1/4 x 12 in.
John Beasley Greene
Abu Simbel, Tui (mother of Ramses II), 1854
Salted paper print from a waxed paper negative
12 1/8 x 9 3/16 in.
John Beasley Greene
Abu Simbel. Eastern Colossus, 1854
Salted paper print from a waxed paper negative
11 5/8 x 8 7/8 in. image on 17 1/4 x 13 1/4 in. mount
John Beasley Greene
Château de France: Louqsor (Château de France, Luxor), 1854
Salted paper print from a waxed paper negative
9 1/4 x 11 3/4 in. image on 15 3/4 x 22 5/16 in. mount
György Kepes
Solarized Portrait, c. 1938
Solarized vintage gelatin silver print
13 13/16 x 11 1/8 in.
László Moholy-Nagy
Untitled, Spring 1946
Vintage gelatin silver print, photogram
13 7/8 x 10 7/8 in.
Josep Sala
Untitled, 1930's
Vintage gelatin silver print, photogram with negative image
Arthur Siegel
Untitled, 1940s
Vintage gelatin silver print, photogram
13 7/8 x 11 in.
János Szász
Architektura, c. 1970
Ferrotyped vintage gelatin silver print
5 3/16 x 7 1/16 in.
The Photography Show presented by AIPAD 2022 | Booth 100
May 19 — May 22, 2022
Edward Burtynsky
Tailings Pond #2, Wesselton Diamond Mine Kimberley, Northern Cape South Africa
Edward Burtynsky
Coal Tailings #1, SASOL Synfuels Secunda, Mpumalanga South Africa
Adam Katseff
Lake IV (Mooselookmeguntic)
Mimi Plumb
Coyote at the Park
Mimi Plumb
Couple at the Gas Station
Mimi Plumb
Boys and Tires, Sears Point
Mimi Plumb
Two Girls at the Festival
Nadav Kander
Untitled II, London, 23.03.2020 - 26.05.2020
Matt Black
Allensworth, California. 2014. Fence post.
Matt Black
Alturas, California. 2016. Cattle auction.
Matt Black
Ziebach County, South Dakota. 2016. Riders.
Matt Black
Tulare, California. 2014. Birds.
Matt Black
El Paso, Texas. 2015. Warehouse district.
Josef Ehm
Josef Ehm
Nude on Bed
Foto Ada (Attributed to)
Foto Ada (Attributed to)
Jaromír Funke
Untitled (Still life with a perfume bottle)
Jaromír Funke
John Beasley Greene
Constantine, Algeria
John Beasley Greene
Abu Simbel, Tui (mother of Ramses II)
John Beasley Greene
Abu Simbel. Eastern Colossus
John Beasley Greene
Château de France: Louqsor (Château de France, Luxor)
György Kepes
Solarized Portrait
László Moholy-Nagy
Josep Sala
Arthur Siegel
János Szász