Douglas Coupland

Canadian, born 1961


Douglas Coupland

Canadian, born 1961

Canadian artist and writer Douglas Coupland has written thirteen novels, including the eponymous Generation X, and is a frequent contributor to The New York Timese-fluxDIS and Vice. Douglas Coupland’s visual works have been the subject of two separate museum retrospectives, Everything is Anything is Anywhere is Everywhere at the Vancouver Art Gallery, and The Royal Ontario Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art; and Bit Rot at Rotterdam’s Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, and Munich’s Villa Stücke. In 2015 and 2016 Douglas Coupland was artist in residence in the Paris Google Cultural Institute. In May 2018 his exhibition on ecology, Vortex, opened at the Vancouver Aquarium. Coupland’s work was featured in the 2014 exhibition Web on the Wall at the Robert Koch Gallery.

Coupland is a member of the Royal Canadian Academy, an Officer of the Order of Canada, a Officer of the Order of British Columbia, a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres and receiver of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence.

At first glance Douglas Coupland’s works appear to be abstract, Op Art paintings, however when viewed through the technology of our cell phones, the subject matter instantly becomes more recognizable, generating questions regarding our desire to see or not to not see. Ultimately presenting the viewer thought provoking phonographic imagery with a playful twist of color and references to pop culture.