Brian Ulrich’s work included in This Land exhibition at Pier 24 and featured in New York Times
September 7, 2018

Brian Ulrich’s work included in This Land exhibition at Pier 24 and featured in New York Times
September 7, 2018
This Land focuses on work made throughout the United States within the past decade. The photographers assembled here examine aspects of the country’s current social climate, from the mundane to the politicized. This Land will be on view through March 31, 2019 at Pier 24 located on San Francisco’s Embarcadero.
Participating Artists:
Dawoud Bey | Guillermo Galindo | Bruce Gilden | Jim Goldberg | Katy Grannan | An-My Lê | Richard Misrach | James Nares | Paolo Pellegrin | Daniel Postaer | Alessandra Sanguinetti | Bryan Schutmaat | Alec Soth | Deanna Templeton | Ed Templeton | Brian Ulrich | Corine Vermeulen | Donovan Wyli
Read more about the exhibition
Brian Ulrich’s dead malls work was also recently featured in The New York Times.